Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crime in Lake Worth

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Reported by the PB Post--

Sheriff's Office, Lake Worth


A woman reported that her boyfriend got into an argument with another man in the 1000 block of South F Street. The man broke a bedroom window with a bottle, then left. Damage was estimated at $250.

Four windows of a home in the 200 block of Ocean Breeze were shot at with a BB gun, leaving 15 holes in the glass. Damage was estimated at $400.

A group of kids were playing in the 900 block of South B Street, when one of them picked up a rock and threw it, breaking a window on a nearby home. The kids ran off. Damage was $250.


A woman left her car unlocked for a few minutes while she went into a business in the 500 block of South Dixie Highway. When she returned, her cellphone, makeup and $200 in cash were missing.

A shaving kit bag containing a driver license, a courtesy badge from a police department and a cellphone was taken from an unlocked car parked in the 1200 block of North K Street.


Two men forced open a door at a business in the 700 block of South Dixie Highway between midnight and 2 a.m. and stole a carton of cigarettes valued at $28.


A woman placed her cellphone on the dining room table at her home in the 1700 block of South Federal Highway. She left at 9 a.m. and returned at 3 p.m. to find the phone gone. She told a deputy she believes her nephew, who lives with her, took the phone. The nephew denied it.

Two people walked into a business in the 100 block of North Federal Highway at 2:22 a.m. They each grabbed an alcoholic beverage and ran out.

A woman set a small change purse on a counter in her home in the 1000 block of 12th Court South. Her grandson and his four friends were in the house at the time. When she went to get the purse a short time later, it was gone. So were the grandson's friends. The purse contained her driver license and $5.

A tailgate was stolen from the rear of a vehicle parked in the 1900 block of 10th Avenue North in the overnight hours. The value of the missing tailgate was $150.

The owner of a rental property in the 100 block of South K Street discovered that when a tenant moved out, the refrigerator and air conditioning unit were gone. Both items had been installed new in 2010 at the request of the tenant.


  1. What is a courtesy police badge?

  2. They are badges that the Sheriff gives out so that every one can rave about how great they are at reducing crime.

  3. Petty thefts that are mostly due to carless citizens leaving belongings in unlocked vehicles is a far cry from drive by shootings and rapes.

  4. To use your words, "Do you actually live in Lake Worth"? Do you really believe the Sheriff hype that people are just looting cars because people don't lock them?...that everyone is just too stupid to lock their vehicles? We have plenty of crime and the Sheriff has a vested interest ($14 mil) to make you believe that 1) IT'S OUR FAULT AND 2) we are too stupid to prevent crime.
