Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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What did the Chamber know?

In recent days, the release of thousands of emails hacked from the server of an online security company has revealed a plan to entrap and discredit prominent foes of the US Chamber of Commerce.

Last night, Rick Tourville, Vice Chair of the local Chamber and Chair of Government Affairs, wants our city to raise the height limits in Lake Worth. But Rick, haven't you been listening? Park of Commerce, yes; the rest of the city, no.


  1. are they just looking for 'sympathy'...let's see it's NOT ok for a 'client' entity to form a 'grassroots' campaign from various groups and members against the Chamber to put the squeeze on them....but it's OK for them to call themselves a 'grassroots' organization when they put the squeeze on someone else....:>)


  2. The Chamber in Lake Worth stinks. It's totally controlled by greedy growth whores who care nothing about the business community in Lake Worth. Look how long it took them to get rid of Ramiccio. How much is it costing the city in staff and police overtime for "chamber" events ?

  3. Prey tell Katie please tell us who all these "growth whores" are that control the chamber. Where's all the over developement they are bringing to the city? Where's the developers?
    Charlie Daniels look alike. I laugh every time I think about that.

  4. The Chamber is a big organization. Do you think that everything is all about Lake Worth when one uses the words "growth whores"? The local Chamber supported and is just one of the puppets to the Florida Chamber. Just the other night the VP stood before city hall and wanted them to eliminate height restrictions. Now why would they want to do that other than to placate the development establishment. They care nothing but their own self-interests--the more development, the more the membership grows--the more money they make.

    The FL Chamber: Floridians also rejected Amendment 4 and the radical anti-growth interests that would have held an entire sector of our economy hostage.

    The above statement just shows you how damn stupid the Chamber is.

    I am sure that Katie will answer your questions.

  5. Dear anonymous,if you want to know "just who" the growth whores are, I think it would probably be a good bet that if you looked in the mirror, one would be staring back at you.
