Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lake Worth's high Utility bills

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Susan Stanton may be queen but she could very well be the savior of Lake Worth. Time will tell who has the stronger resolve, Stanton or the Unions. The Unions have deep pockets and are only interested in extracting the most $$ from the City. Stanton has nothing to lose but her 16 hour a day job. Some think she is paid too much. I disagree.

I think the biggest challenge we face is just admitting the truth as to why we have to raid our Utility to operate our city. What is causing this necessity? Aside from waste by former commissions, the number one obstacle to our financial health are the Unions.

City Manager Susan Stanton has many challenges that she is facing head-on to the displeasure of some, particularly her own employees who are union members. When you make the tough decisions, there are always going to be unhappy people especially in this city. Stanton knows what needs to be done.

The Unions are fighting mad and have filed multiple law suits. They are the biggest culprit and obstacle in the lowering of electric rates or just lowering our budget overall. We need this money from the Utility just to stay afloat because of Union greed. If anyone can take on the Unions, it is Susan Stanton. She knew she would be standing alone but she is resolved to get this broken city fixed. If anyone can do it, it is Susan Stanton. I hope that she can.

Try to Kick Utility Addiction


  1. The single quickest way to put an end to all of this madness would be to write an RFQ for an independent contractor(s) to bid on each of the services now operated by union representatives. One contractor would oversee all utility services with other contractors offering each of these services. While this would not necessarily do away with all of the unions, it would place all of the union burdens on independent contractors who can and would control their costs.

  2. You were on the right track to ask the question "why can't our city handle it's finances without the contribution from the utility?" I'd always heard it was 10% off the top goes into the general fund. I am told now that 10% off the top equals 50% of our operating budget.

    Back to the track.... if other cities have unions, why are our costs so out of line? We have had pension boards for the fire fighters and police. Did these boards give away the farm over the years? Sounds like it.

    Another case of comparing us with "other" municipalities like .... oh.... Palm Beach or Boca.

    Stanton will have to be the one to deliver the bad news to the unions.... We just don't have any more money.... you have bled us dry. God knows a candidate can't. It's political suicide to not back the unions and their campaign contributions.

    Wher does it end?

  3. This Commission has supported Susan Stanton and her stand against the Unions on a 4 to 1 vote, Maxwell the only "cop out." So, they have already made a stand and showed "balls."

  4. There are cities all across the country complaining about unions. Some have actually gone bankrupt because of them. We are lucky to have our elec company help bail us out. We have a gun to our head with the unions.

  5. Do you actually live in Lake Worth? We have a gun to our heads from the utility dept. and the commission that keeps voting to increase rates.

  6. Get your "commissions" straight and please take the time to understand why some fees/rates have been raised. The Commission did not raise taxes last year. Once you do that, we have a starting point for debate.
