Monday, December 6, 2010

Sid Dinerstein

Power does not corrupt. People corrupt power. They abuse it. We see it in both Parties, Democrats and Republicans alike. I recently wrote about Mark Alan Siegel of the Democratic Party. Today it is the Republican, Sid Dinerstein.

Sid Dinerstein is back in the news because he wants to become the Chair of the Republican Party State of Florida. First he must win back the seat at the County level. He now has a challenger to his State ambition, Ed Lynch, who has accused Dinerstein of disloyalty. Mr. Lynch cites several instances one of which was Dinerstein's robo call a little over one year ago on behalf of Democrat, Rene Varela. Varela was Chair of the Lake Worth Democratic Club prior to running for election. He should have known better. I got the call. No one is really sure who initiated Dinerstein's involvement. Some think it was Varela's father, a big Republican in Miami. Others believe it was Lake Worth Commissioner Scott Maxwell, a Republican who just wants to overthrow everything. But the fact remains, Dinerstein should not have been advocating for a Democrat...period.

When you are in a position of leadership such as Mr. Siegel and Mr. Dinerstein, you cannot resort to Party disloyalty. You should not be engaged in "dirty tricks."

Siegel backed off from his desire of State Party leadership. Mr. Dinerstein should as well.

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