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Rene Varela, Mayor of Lake Worth, finds a friendly blog to announce that he will not be seeking another term next year as Mayor of Lake Worth. The reason? He believes that his wife has been mistreated at her present place of employment. Eventually he will follow his wife to Maryland.
One thing he said was, "The next 11 months will be spent by me making sure that I re-engage with each of you and begin to force the much needed changes within our community/government, that up until now I have patiently shepherded. Now there won't be a moment to waste!" I have yet to attend one of the Mayor's coffees but perhaps it is about time.
Well, Mayor, you and your endorsements LOST in the last election. We can't wait to see what you will do over this next year and what sort of havoc you will attempt to create to force this change. We will be keeping track of all your decisions on the dais. You also have problems with our City Manager, Susan Stanton, who has done more to help this City than any CM in the past.
Now Mayor, you will be free to resume work with Ocean Embassy and care for all those captured dolphins. You could step down sooner.
Apparently I do not a run a "friendly" enough blog to rate a direct e-mail communication from His Honor the Mayor. What I posted came in the form of a forwarded e-mail to a group that did not include me. Since it was universal in its salutation, I felt it appropriate to post. About an hour before, little birds were telling me the same thing - that he was not running again and there is no reason to be discrete about telling anyone.
ReplyDeleteThis is totally unbelievable. He is worse than I thought.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very strange letter from the mayor and a stranger reason.
ReplyDeleteLynn, is this true? I thought Rene said that he wanted to live here for 40 years and raise his family here. What does it all really mean? Any idea?
Force change? He better get that ok'd with the Vice-Mayor first.
ReplyDeleteThis guy has done absolutely nothing since he was elected except drink coffee and pat himself on the back. What a phoney. Good riddance.
It is a strange announcement. I have to wonder why he would make it so soon with another year to go as Mayor. He will now be making decisions as an essential lame-duck--no commitment to the community but here to "force" change. He brought us Michael Singer and the one commissioner who supported that action more than any other was Cara Jennings, a commissioner for whom he felt little regard.
ReplyDeleteTo bring up his wife's employment and condemning her employer is certainly not the usual. Normally if you have a problem with an employer, you find another job and don't blast it all over the community, using the position of the Mayor to do it.
As far as Rene being Mayor, he has done, on many levels, what a Mayor should be doing--representing the City in the best light possible. He is at all openings, etc. His contempt of the City Manager is obvious at meetings. He does not like being "controlled" and I can't blame him here.
If he hadn't of "flipped" and got confused about politics and people and direction here, I probably would still be supporting him. Other than Arizona 1070, he, for the most part, has made the right decisions over the past year.
Varela is 1000 times better than Clemens. He hasn't done anything stupid nor has he cost us any money.
ReplyDeleteThanks anonymous--you are right. Rene has voted correctly. Other than supporting the wrong candidates in this last election who stood for everything he does not, he has done a good job as Mayor. The Commission should be independent thinkers who are part of a team. He put a big wrench in that and should apologize to Mulvehill.