Monday, December 6, 2010

Allen West on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Read Allen West's December 3rd interview with Newsmax on important issues and his thoughts on Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Interview in October on Don't Ask, Don't Tell


  1. No one is surprised you support someone who thinks it "unfortunate" that gay men and women serve in the military. Your comment at the commisison meeting the day COMPASS got it's lease approved you directed a disgusting comment to the group form COMPASS saying they should all get AIDS and die. What a legacy lyn I am so grateful to God that there is only one like you in this city.

  2. Mark, you really should be accurate when attributing a comment as ugly as that one to me. I never said that. It was Dee McNamara. This is why I have BIG problems with you.

  3. if this Mark writes something so stupid how come he didn't post anonymously?

  4. Mark has always taken great pride in posting under his own name...the open mouth, insert foot approach to blog commenting.
