Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans' Day

The VFW in Palm Springs, Florida
Commander Robert Boot, U.S.S. John F. Kennedy and a Top Gun

Back in September 2007, the City Commission canceled the Veteran's Day Parade. This, to me, was a tragic decision that was initiated by former Commissioner, Retha Lowe, a member of one of the worst commissions in the history of Lake Worth consisting of Jeff Clemens and Dave Vespo, who allocated the money to another event, Hispanic Fest, I believe. Read what Dale Graham had to say back then.

We can have parades for other groups such as Gays and Goblins but when it comes to even honoring our Veterans, we cast them aside. We should be honoring them for their service that has made this country the greatest on Earth and allows us to have the freedoms that we enjoy.

Today we honor the living Veterans to thank them for their commitment, past and present, to our country. Our City should re-think its priorities when it comes to what's important.

The History of Veterans Day.

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