Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joyce Kaufman QUITS!

No sooner do I write about Joyce Kaufman and she QUITS--cites "electronic lynching.

“[There are] congressman sitting up there who have every kind of ethical and immoral and illegal behavior. That’s not a story to them. Instead it’s ‘round the clock, fulltime coverage of “Look at this! We just got a target to hit. Absolutely Saul Alinsky rule 13 playing out: identify, isolate, freeze, and escalate, and I’m not going to be a part of the escalation. Not happening. Not gonna use me.

You may think that because you made me change my mind, that you got the win, but I believe that God always gets the win, and he wanted me right here where I am, where I’ve been very successful. It’s not like I left because I didn’t have a great job. I was gonna take a pay cut, a dramatic pay cut.

So the only regret I have is that after all that hard work, and after watching this great American hero get elected in CD 22, that you people won’t accept that there’s gonna be a conservative voice from South Florida. A conservative black man from South Florida, and you can do your very best to bring him down, but I’m not going to be a part of it. There will be no lynching with my participation. I’m gonna expose you for who you are and in the end, the victory will go to the righteous, it always does.”

Read the entire article from Politico.

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