Thursday, November 11, 2010

Allen West's Chief of Staff

An unorthodox choice, Allen West named conservative and out-spoken Joyce Kaufman as his Chief of Staff. Josh Grodin who was West's Campaign Manger, will be Deputy Chief of Staff.

Joyce, speaking about the conservative class of elected officials who soon will be leading the nation says, "If they get co-opted and become the same elitist breed that we've seen over and over again in both parties, then none of this will amount to a hill of beans. People believe in West-- they thought he would be a voice, a loud strong voice for the things that are right in America. And if he doesn't, there's going to be a very loud voice in his ear: That's not what the people sent you here to do! ''

Joyce Kaufman on Israel

"She is a real, sensible, down to earth conservative and someone who is not afraid to look you in the eye and say, 'Get out of my face.' I love Joyce Kaufman and Allen West could not have chosen anyone better," said Katie McGiveron, an Allen West supporter.

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