Friday, November 12, 2010

Airport Security Device

I have to be thankful that I don't need to ever fly anywhere for anything. My family is located right here in Palm Beach County. I don't go to high school class reunions in New Jersey as my connection and my heart is with Lake Worth High School. I say this because I would hate like hell to have to be body scanned or be "patted" down. X'rays, if taken often, can be dangerous. Just the idea of someone feeling me up is offensive, at least at my age.

Now there is a great alternative to body scanners at airports . . .

The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners at the airports.

It’s a booth you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you. They see this as a win-win for everyone, with none of this crap about racial profiling. It also would eliminate the costs of a long and expensive trial. Justice would be swift. Case closed!

You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system . . . "Attention standby passengers — we now have a seat available on flight number XXXX. Shalom!"

What do you think?

Thanks to L for sending this spoof! The above is not true but sounds like an idea worth looking into.

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