Friday, November 12, 2010

Foley's Folly

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Mark Foley questions "the abnormalities of the Lake Worth elections." Well, I question Mark Foley.

Mr. Foley is trying a come-back to legitimize himself in the political arena. What better start for this than Lake Worth where he originally started his career as a Lake Worth Commissioner. For being known for his lewd instant messages to congressional Pages, abnormalities, he now is sending highly charged and controversial demands to the Supervisor of Elections.

Although it came out in the article, what the former disgraced congressman Foley failed to say in his letter to the Supervisor of Elections office was that he "gave" to the opponents of Suzanne Mulvehill and Christopher McVoy.

Now he is making a big stink about the Lake Worth elections. Foley is still very much political and we have to wonder what he really wants. There is always quid pro quo going on especially in Lake Worth. What's his pony in this race? He is strongly attempting to put a cog in the wheel and wants the following:

  • results of accuracy tests of the voting machines
  • precinct by precinct results for Lake Worth
  • the number of ballots discovered in the group of 500
Considering the final numbers (not what was originally reported on the night of the election...go to page 9) reported by the Supervisor of Elections office, they had Mulvehill winning by 321 votes and McVoy by 371. If all 500 ballots pertained to Lake Worth, (which is preposterous to even consider but anything is possible), the losers would have to receive the following votes out of the 500 in order to reverse the election and win:

Blockson: 436

Maxwell: 411

1 comment:

  1. He's just another pea in the motley Backpac pod. Isn't it disgusting how people who don't even live in Lake Worth,like Shannon Materio, Jack Simons ,and now a disgrace like Mark Foley, all think that they can control what happens in Lake Worth?Foley,you are a disgrace to the rest of the Lake Worth High Alumni!Go crawl back into bed with your Palm Beach sugar daddy.
