Monday, October 18, 2010

Bryant Park cancels political forum tonight

Bryant Park has canceled its Political Forum tonight for District 2 candidates giving the excuse that it is too close to the NAPC Forum at the Lake Worth Playhouse this Wednesday.

That could be a legitimate reason but frankly I think it a good political strategy on the Blockson campaign to cancel this debate. The more she says, the more people realize that she is not up on the facts. Better to keep your mouth shut than to get into trouble. Why spoil the momentum with a wrong statement being fed to her by her mentors or the BAC PAC.

Aligning herself with Lisa Maxwell was not good campaign strategy, however, and only time will tell if this has hurt her campaign.

Politics is very divided in this City and I still look at it as those backing developer and Union candidates versus those looking out for the interests of the resident taxpayers and the City as a whole.

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