Monday, October 18, 2010

Col. Allen West Wins Debate

14 more days!

LTC(R) Allen West Presents Clear Contrast Against Incumbent Klein in Final Debate before Election Day

(Deerfield Beach, FL) - LTC(R) Allen West stood out as the clear winner against Incumbent Klein in Congressional District 22's final debate before Election Day. The Palm Beach Civic Association's debate held in Palm Beach covered topics such as the rising unemployment across the country and South Florida, to the deteriorating situation on our southern border.

In perhaps the most stunning statement to date during this election cycle, Klein said that 22 year army combat veteran, Allen West, is "unfit to serve," and blamed the staggering debt our nation is faced with on the shoulders of all Americans.

"Today's debate was all about contrast," said West's Campaign Manager, Josh Grodin. "On one side, a proven leader with the right ideas and principles that will turn the dire situation our country is faced with around. On the other, a career politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth, refuses to talk about his record in Congress, and blames everyone else - including American taxpayers - for his failures in Washington and Tallahassee. The people of Florida's 22nd Congressional District have a choice to make on November 2nd - either continue down the path of financial insecurity with Incumbent Klein, or change the status quo with LTC(R) West."

"It was a clear victory for West, as he not only demonstrated he has a clear grasp of the issues, but also that he has the right solutions. He possesses the type of principled leadership that we need to represent us in Congress," said audience member, Philip Nicozisis.

"I came to the debate, as an Independent, with an open mind to hear about the issues. I was impressed with the support on both sides, but I was mostly impressed with Allen's strength of character, which I believe showed through today" said Sam Fisch, a local business owner.

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