Monday, October 18, 2010

Scandal, Scum and Slum - Why we need Amendment 4



October 18
, 2010

Dear Florida Homeowners and Condo Owners:

This can happen to all of us if we don't vote YES ON AMENDMENT 4. Don't believe all the lies and misleading statements you hear from the paid mouthpieces of the backroom fat cats -- also known as developers. All their claims lack facts -- they just don't want us to have a vote on decisions regarding changes to our neighborhood. They don't want us to have a seat at the table, so they can continue their backroom dealings and pay off willing commissioners.

This is what happened to the folks in Tamarac, who complained to the commission without success. One commissioner is in jail, but the damage is done. And it can easily happen to you!

"Erstwhile golf course homes now border an unkempt scrubland with white plastic sewer connections jutting out of the weeds. "Now we have half a construction site and half a swamp,'' says Chris (who didn't want his last name published), Cole's neighbor. "We used to spend all our time outside. Now we never go out. It drives us crazy.''

Barbara Cole figures her house, once worth nearly $300,000, might bring $78,000. Another neighbor offers a similar lament. "This has ruined my retirement,'' he says.

In Tamarc, corruption lives in backyard

Read about the Corruption

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