Monday, September 27, 2010

Amendment 4 will give Taxpayers the Last Word

Today is the day that the Vote NO on Amendment 4 Group comes full speed ahead with all its lies and all its money...the Fat Cats. Don't get persuaded or fooled. For them, it is all about the money. They are the developers that were bailed out by the government...and all their misguided is all about money--YOUR money that they want in their pocket to defeat our right to vote so that they can develop what they want and where they want even if the land is not zoned appropriately. And, afterall, politicians are their best friends. We all deserve a vote when people such as these want to screw up our cities across Florida.

Read an article that just appeared in the Miami Herald by Attorney, Tom Connick, and why we all should vote YES on Amendment. It will finally give taxpayers the last word.

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