Monday, September 27, 2010

SEIU, Arizona and Kendrick Meek

Jan Brewer says, Stop by and join the Shame on SEIU Protest that continues today from 11am to 1pm & 4pm to 6pm located at SEIU Union Headquarters 3707 N. 7th Street, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85014.

The SEIU Labor Union is promoting and encouraging a boycott of Arizona as a result of the tough new SB 1070 immigration law. While they are attempting to turn business and valuable dollars away from Arizona, they are simultaneously supporting Democratic Candidates across the state.

In the meantime, Kendrick Meek, running for the U.S. Senate, is on his "yellow brick road" and soliciting the help of the very same Unions like the SEIU that have helped cripple and bring down America and that are boycotting Arizona. And now you have Robert Wexler, the traitor of all time, supporting Charlie Crist who is really a Republican instead of Kendrick Meek.

Meek says he is "just like us" but no one is buying the message--that green jobs will turn around the economy or that a high speed rail to nowhere is something we really need other than to create jobs and spend billions of taxpayer dollars doing it. And Florida has its own share of the illegal immigration problem so we voters are sympathetic to Arizona and its problem with the SEIU.

The latest poll has Rubio at 40%, Crist at 28% and Meek with 23%. It's a mess this year, even for a nice guy like Kendrick Meek.

Are Unions completely over-run by radicals?

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