Monday, September 27, 2010

Drew Martin speaks out For Amendment 4

Letter to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
September 27, 2010

Why not put voters in charge? It’s their money, after all.

Voting yes on Amendment 4 is the smartest thing taxpayers can do to save themselves money. Cities and counties in Florida spend millions to develop comprehensive plans and maintain planning departments. City and county commissions then approve projects that increase density, resulting in higher costs for new schools and new
roads. Amendment 4 simply would permit taxpayers to have the final say on projects that will cost them more money.

Who opposes Amendment 4? Developers, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and planners who make big bucks from the current broken system. The argument that Amendment 4 opens the door to special interests is ridiculous. Special
interests basically own the existing planning process. Try to think of a major development that has been turned down. Most developments get forced through, even when neighborhoods don’t want them. Further, we have a huge number of vacant houses and condos. How good is it for the economy to continue to build houses and condos while property values are plummeting?

Homeowners who want to protect the integrity of the neighborhoods are not special interests.

I am willing to trust the judgment of the voters. I say yes on Amendment 4.

Conservation Chairman, Sierra Club
Loxahatchee Group
Lake Worth

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