Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lake Worth Casino - Savvy Business Decision


There was a good crowd at Compass for the Charette--many faces I did not know. This event was for those who knew little about the design or for those who just wanted to get their opinion on record or to be a part of the greatest undertaking we have made in decades. During my brief visit, I only saw two of the candidates there, depicted above, as well as Commissioner Jennings, Commissioner Mulvehill and Commissioner Maxwell.

The irony of this is that there is one political faction that has accused the other of not being in support of development and business, even going so far as to form a PAC to defeat a sitting Commissioner who is the number one person (Suzanne Mulevehill) who had this vision for Lake Worth and who fulfilled her promise to all those who voted for her.

The Casino will be the biggest development project in the history of our city since 1921 and will bring hundreds of jobs to Lake Worth over the next two years. This IS business savvy. Once it is built, it will put us on the map world over bringing in people clamoring to start a business here as well as those wanting to live here. It will generate more development along the Dixie Corridor and our city will grow. It will bring prosperity. The building will be completed at just the right time when the economy is supposed to start on an upward trend. This certainly is NOT anti-business.

The creative financing that will be approved by the Commission will save our resident taxpayers $400,000. This too IS business savvy.

The other political faction keeps on saying that this is not the time to build when the economy is unstable. The Mayor wants you to believe that we are only a hurricane away from bankruptcy and stands side by side with candidates supported by Businesses Aligned for Change Political Action Committee with some of its supporters wanting to stop this progress of our casino. We have over $66 million in cash reserve funds with approximately half of that amount unrestricted. Does this sound like bankruptcy?

The casino will be paid for by generated revenues from those leasing in the building. The stores will have new found income just from all those attracted to our new building that will be marketed throughout the United States and beyond. We finally have a Commission that is doing something for business and who proceeded and got a Plan and is finally getting something done. They are not worried about chickens but they are very positive that new found pride and prosperity will occur in Lake Worth from their savvy business decision.

Our new Casino will be the best thing that ever has happened to Lake Worth and it will be all ours. It will not be controlled by Palm Beach County, as is the beach redevelopment project located south of the casino, nor will it be controlled by a private partner getting all of the cash.

Savvy business in Lake Worth, our new Lake Worth Casino.

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