Saturday, August 21, 2010

Amendment 4--Ryan Houck--Mayor David Levy, are you listening?

"Your statement, and that of others who repeatedly make similar arguments about the right of our voters to control changes to the city Comprehensive Plan that blame the lawsuits on Hometown Democracy type policy are either total stupidity on the parts of you and others who say that, or are a result of your intent to lie and mislead the voters of St. Pete Beach and the entire state of Florida. Is that clear. You are either too stupid to understand that of which you are talking, or you are intentionally defrauding those to whom you spread these lies. There you have it. Polite didn't work, so it should now be clear what your comprehension or intentions are," so said former vice mayor of St. Pete Beach, Ed Ruttencutter.

Read more at St. Pete Beach - the truth.

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