Sunday, August 22, 2010

Allen West for Congress

Regarding Col. Allen West
As Joe said it over on The Juice--

Joe says:
"Apple, there's one man in this campaign who will fight for your rights under the U.S. Constitution. That man is Allen West.

And the only thing in a political context that can save you and the comforts of your life (which you don't even know you have) is the Constitution. Ironically, liberty brings apathy.

For many years the oppressors have manipulated this apathy in their attempts to obscure the importance of the Constitution.

If we don't put West and others like him in political office over the next few years--in the end you and I, conservative and liberal together, will face misery and despair and the murderous onslaught of oppression."

Now who could say it better than that?

Vote West on August 24th Republican Primary

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