Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank you, Arizona

The following was posted by: elmknights

Thank you Arizona!!!!!
I cannot express how honored I am to live in the time to see the proud American Citizens of Arizona, as well as the USA, come together on this issue. My father dutifully served this country for 20+ yrs in the military. He fulfilled all of the requirements, and more, to assimilate into the USA. Due to his dedication and homage to the USA, he was granted citizenship for his contribution and loyalty. To present day, my father, and now myself, are proud Americans who still honor and love this Country.

I have listened to my honored father concerning this issue in Arizona, and I think that he summed it up best when he said, “I wanted to be an American because I enjoyed the American culture. I had easy opportunities to come to America by unscrupulous means, but I decided to take the honorable, and more difficult, path.” I once overheard a friend of his ask, “Who did you have to bribe to get your American Citizenship?” He proudly replied, “I never had to bribe anyone, I earned it! Because I earned it, I am now an American living in the USA.

When it comes to this on going issue in Arizona, my father always says, “Being an American is about honoring and supporting the USA. It’s about honoring and respecting the laws, and not by finding a way to circumnavigate them.

For those who come to the USA by unscrupulous means, my father likes to say, “Just because a person can place their feet on American soil, doesn’t make that person an American Citizen. To be an American Citizen of the USA one has to earn it, not demand it!

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