Friday, July 16, 2010

Red Light Cameras and its History in Lake Worth

On July 7, the FAB met to discuss red-light cameras. John Pickett made a motion to accept the program as presented. Bill Thrasher seconded the Motion. Laurel Decker than said that she would like to amend the motion to accept the "concept" of the red-light camera program. Pickett is willing to withdraw his motion but Bill Thrasher refuses to withdraw his second. The Chair then asks for a new motion and the Board agrees. John Pickett makes a new motion as follows:

The Finance Advisory Board supports the red-light camera traffic safety program as presented subject to further investigation by Staff as it relates to the issues discussed including sliding scale fee structure. This investigation stuff is meaningless. The FAB approved red-light cameras...period. It is very difficult for me to imagine that 5 members of this Board approved a program based on figures provided by a Vendor who will get the business and tie up our City on a five year contract.

The Motion passed on a 5/2 vote, Dority, Marchal dissenting.

History of the Red-Light Camera Program and American Traffic Solutions:

American Traffic Solutions first proposal on October 7, 2008 piggy-backing the City of Aventura. Check page 32 for fee structure. This was a five year contract with option to extend for two additional two year periods.

First reading of Ordinance 2008-07 on American Traffic Solutions
A motion was passed by the City Commission to amend the Ordinance to delete "digital or video movies; or from Section 21-44 (1)(d) Recorded images; delete and video recording device from Section 21-44 Traffic Control Signal Monitoring System/Device; approve amended Ordinance No. 2008-27 on first reading; and postpone the public hearing date until the commission received red-light runner statistics from the PBSO.

On January 6, 2009 Ordinance 2008-07 was denied by the Commission on Second Reading..scroll down to page 7, the start of the debate. Page 9 shows the final vote and the Commission directing the City Attorney to come back with an Ordinance prohibiting red-light cameras in the City.

Backlash growing against red-light cameras

Shorter yellow lights boost red-light camera revenue

American Traffic Solutions pulls out of Calif city for not making enough money but here in Lake Worth, they want a guaranty of nearly $25,000 a month.

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