Friday, July 16, 2010

Letter from Dr. Rosen to Vice Mayor Martha Webster in Royal Palm Beach

Dear Ms Webster,

Your condescending comment--
Councilwoman Martha Webster’s recent comment to the press: "I wish we could get people to see that we are thinking in their best interests," assumes the public is an unintelligible conglomerate of idiots wandering thoughtlessly through life and we should all be glad people like you are there to tell us what to do and what is best for us.

Even my mother never talked down to me like that when I was a small child. Unlike you, she respected my thoughts and opinions and sought not to demean my ability to think and participate like you have just done with this statement of arrogance so common among elected officials.

In fact, you owe the resident constituents an apology for insulting their intelligence. Essentially, you are a drain on the well being of Royal Palm Beach Village and should resign so someone with heart and who really cares about the constituency you represent can do the job correctly.

I thought Debbie Wasserman Shultz was bad but you just come out and say it straight. She is clever enough to couch her remarks.

Dr. Steven Rosen

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