Friday, July 16, 2010

Royal Palm Beach Village says we don't want the Asphalt, the Concrete, the Crime or Traffic

This is what it's all about!

Royal Palm Beach Village really is a beautiful town and it’s no wonder the residents there would not stand for the typical excuse, from a typical politician, when Vice Mayor Martha Webster proclaimed that a major commercial development proposed to be built right next to their homes was just what the town needed for jobs and she wanted it to go forward. Jobs are always the lame excuse and politicians use it constantly to put you on guilt trips.

Marvin Bond, Contractor-- a lonely voice
Saying FHD will cost jobs

Last night at Royal Palm Village, the residents showed up, filling out petition cards and comment cards, all in agreement, that their quality of life was far more important than what some on their Commission wanted against their wishes. Mayor Mattioli finally said that they were going to forget the whole thing.

PB County Commissioner, Jess Santamaria with
FHD supporters,
Bett Willet and Dee McNamara

Palm Beach County Commissioner, Jess Santamaria, was there to speak and he said that the development complex does not belong in the neighborhoods.

Florida Hometown Democracy showed up to give support – just another reason why we need to vote YES on November 2. Even though Royal Palm's Commission ended up doing the right thing, many commissions throughout the State of Florida have not. The people need a seat at the table.

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