Thursday, July 15, 2010

Florida Hometown Democracy to Join Citizen's Protest in Royal Palm Beach


CONTACT: Lesley Blackner Office: (561) 659-5754 Cell: (561) 818-6621


Citizens Will Protest At Royal Palm Beach Village Thursday, July 15

ROYAL PALM BEACH – Citizens plan to protest outside Royal Palm Beach Village Hall Thursday, July 15, at 6:15 pm because politicians want to change the village’s land use plan over the objections of local taxpayers and residents.

The application pending in Royal Palm Beach Village demonstrates why Floridians need to win back power by passing Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment 4 on the statewide ballot in November. Amendment 4 would give all local residents the right to vote when politicians want to change the local land use plan.

“There isn’t even a market for this development in this crashed economy, yet politicians keep approving more and more senseless real estate speculation schemes,” said Lesley Blackner, president of the non partisan, grassroots group, Florida Hometown Democracy. “We are so tired of getting railroaded and not having a say in all these new developments. We are the ones who watch our tax dollars go to pay for the services and infrastructure. We should get to vote before we’re forced to pay.”

At issue is the proposed Crestwood Redevelopment Area project, just west of H.L. Johnson Elementary on the northern edge of the village, which would cover 150 acres smack in the middle of residential neighborhoods.

Residents from Madison Green, Saratoga Pines and other neighborhoods around the site will join the protest Thursday.

Councilwoman Martha Webster’s recent comment to the press: "I wish we could get people to see that we are thinking in their best interests," shows how out-of-touch Florida politicians have become.

Every day, citizens drive by empty strip malls, foreclosed homes, and shuttered developments, and still politicians want to approve more.

“We’re just saying that people deserve a seat at the table – a chance to vote. We think our homes and our communities are too important to leave in the hands of politicians lobbyists for real estate speculators,” Blackner said. “It is time for citizens to provide a common sense check-and-balance to a system that’s out of whack, and that’s what Amendment 4 will do.”

Protesters will gather at Royal Palm Beach Village Hall, 1050 Royal Palm Beach Boulevard, Royal Palm Beach, at 6:15 pm.

GET THE FACTS: Under Amendment 4, local city and county commission will study, hold public hearings, and vote on proposed changes to the overall master plan (local comprehensive land-use plan) just like they do now. Voters will veto or approve their decision on the next regularly scheduled Election Day. No special elections are required. It’s that simple. Learn more at Florida Hometown Democracy, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


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