Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lake Worth CRA and 2nds on Motions to Elect

This past Monday, the CRA met for about one-half hour to elect a new Vice Chair as Donna Ross had resigned.

After much discussion and some confusion, Cary Sabol, attorney, was nominated and eventually elected. The Board asked if they needed a second to the motion. Ron Exline thought that Chair Meyerhoefer was looking at him when the question was asked and he answered it, “No second is necessary if the nominee is present.” The Chair actually was looking at the board attorney, David Tolces, to answer. Tolces answered by saying a second to the motion WAS required. The second to the Motion was given by the nominee himself, Cary Sabol.

According to Roberts’ Rules of Order, and a guide to parliamentary procedure that most all Boards follow, no second is required. The CRA does not have its By-Laws on-line so perhaps its rules speak differently to this issue.

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