Thursday, July 15, 2010


There are some now calling Maywood, California, the most "racist" city they have ever seen. Laughable. Anytime a group takes action to solve its problems, whether it is finances or illegal immigration, every regressive "progressive" group along with the illegal immigration population that has caused havoc in our country shows its ugly racist head.

I have mentioned Maywood a few times now and here is the latest from The Huffington Post:

MAYWOOD, Calif. — The small city of Maywood south of downtown Los Angeles plans to lay off almost all its employees, disband its police department and contract municipal operations to a neighboring city.

Facing a budget deficit of at least $450,000 and unable to get insurance because of a history of lawsuits, many involving the police department, the Maywood City Council said Monday night it had no choice but to adopt the plan.

The 1.2-square-mile city will hire the Los Angeles County sheriff's department for law enforcement services, and the neighboring city of Bell will handle other city services such as finance, records management and parks and recreation.

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