Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moffett Muffs It

Peter J. Matthews
Lake Worth Resident
former Marine and Vietnam Veteran

Dan Moffett’s editorial in Tuesday’s Palm Beach ComPost highlights the differences between the idyllic and the practical. Ivory tower residents pontificate while mortals cope. Will he please define “comprehensive immigration reform legislation” in plain, unadorned English please? Yo siento, no me intiendo progressive! Without securing the border first, how can even the best plumber repair and replace a burst water main?

He states that Lake Worth’s Commissioners debated late into the night before approving the Resolution against Arizona. Dan, see what happens when you rely on others for the facts. Don’t ever assume, because you ought to know what it makes out of “u” and “me.” There was never any debate. The Mayor made a declaration about his intention to vote yea before the action and hastily retreated so others could speak freely. Mayor, who among us aren’t descendants of immigrants (even the so called ‘native Americans?” And then he, a la Pontius Pilate, retires to another, more comfortable room with the public address system broadcasting the action so he knows full well what‘s happening!

The Vice Mayor then trots out her well rehearsed “Golden remarks” and turns it over to Commissioner Mulvehill who then officiously launches her expansion of the resolution to include all of Florida’s inclusion to Lake Worth’s intrusion into Arizona’s self-defense actions. Looks like 3 yea votes so far without any input from Commissioner Jennings (wonder if she was swayed by the lead speakers?). Alright, 4 yeas to disregard their oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up. So, with no further ado, lets open it up for citizen’s (or not) input. Are you for real?

If you can’t mind the store over the “Casino Fiasco,” 3 miles from City Hall, what makes you think you have the competency to intrude into business 2,300 miles away? Make sure you include Florida on the return envelope; I wouldn’t want to embarrass any other city with the same name of Lake Worth in the USA. We own this one!

Instead of attacking Arizona, why not target the federal government? After all, our 2004 resolution seeking federal assistance has been ignored. Do the commissioners truly feel that “Where the tropics Begin” would be ungovernable if Arizona’s pro-active protection measures were adopted here? It’s not a local issue; it’s a federal issue. Go to the source of the problem in all attempts to remedy same...or is the Commission more content to “…rule o’er us“(as in “God Save the Queen“) (American Revolution?) by decrees, edicts, and fiat. This action strongly points to that answer.

Mayor Giuliani enhanced New York City by honing in on quality of life issues: Fix the broken windows, enforce existing laws, etc. Commissioners, do the same here in Lake Worth. Fixate on our problems.

Some two weeks ago, the ComPost pointed out that our city’s tax base had declined by more than 46% over the past 3 years, perhaps a billion (with a “B”) dollars. That ought to be a priority, no? The same article attributed His Honor, Mayor Rene Varela, with stating the infrastructure, the city’s backbone, was busted. Whoa, another thought - work on that too! I betcha you can ask neighborhood associations and other concerned entities to address their anxieties so that our “buttisky” Commissioners will be able to fill their duty hours working for “We, the people." These quality of life endeavors could be targeted to improve our local ethnic and racial issues, not Arizona.

Later, the citizens would rate their performance on Election Day. What a novel concept? Accountability! Imagine, elected officials being responsible for their actions (and inactions). Would the same names and faces be on the dais in the future if we continue to empower them to axe our tax base and degrade our quality of life while dithering their time pandering to projects and a Resolution against Arizona law that don’t affect us? I hope we citizens say no.

Politician, heal thyself.

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