Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Will the Spill ever be contained?

Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times

Hours after a federal judge blocked a moratorium on deepwater drilling from taking effect, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday night that he will issue a new order against such drilling.

Read a real Scary article, on the oil spilling in our Gulf that was sent to me by a reader along with another article, entitled How the ultimate BP oil spill could kill millions.

Back in 1999, Chris Cooper of the Wall Street Journal wrote an article on the oil field off of Eugene Island, Louisiana that indicated Eugene Island is rapidly refilling itself, perhaps from some continuous source miles below the Earth's surface. That, they say, raises the tantalizing possibility that oil may not be the limited resource it is assumed to be."

If they are right, there is a possibility that this oil spill will never be contained and capped off. If that is true, what does this mean for the United States? What have we done?

As Lake Worth resident, Cesar Figueroa says, "To me we are at peak oil, which means that we have taken all the easy wells on the surface and now if we start to take out the very deep oil , we will be playing with fire. The bottom line is that we have passed the natural production flow of nature ( Earth ) in using the resource because we have passed the limit to how many humans are on the plant now. And if oil went back to being 50 cents a gallon, then we would have 12 not 6 billion people on the plant. Checkmate their are no more options left... mother nature will do it's thing and all we can do is wait."

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