Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party Rally Today

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Former City Commissioner Dave Vespo and Katie McGiveron
We had a great time reminiscing with Dave today,
letting him know that the City is finally
going in the right direction! :)
Dave, send me your e-mail address.
(More photos tomorrow)

1 comment:

  1. I never agreed with anything Dave did while he was a Commissioner in Lake Worth.Outside of Lake Worth politics, I think that Dave is a nice guy,and it was good to see him and do some catching up last evening.As much as Dave and I used to be at each-others throats, we can both agree that President Obama's policies are VERY bad for America .It doesn't matter what label people use to identify themselves politically , all of us are coming together under one common theme-GET RID OF THIS ADMINISTRATION BEFORE IT KILLS AMERICA!!!!! And by the way-COLONEL ALAN WEST FOR PRESIDENT !!!!!!!
