Thursday, April 15, 2010

It could be Worse - We Could live in Boynton

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Boynton Beach just keeps on trucking and doing the same things over and over again. Tuesday night was one of those times. You have to shake your head and wonder.

Back in 2008, the Auburn Group LLC, a Delray Beach developer, gave the City of Boynton Beach a check for $50,000 to be used for holiday lights, their Holiday parade, and other things. An investigation ensued. Auburn was a bidder on a project there and ended up dropping out of the deal and losing a city contract because of the perception of pay to play.

Now they came back to Boynton again Tuesday and were the winners of a contract for the same property located at Seacrest Blvd and NE Seventh Avenue.

Ever since the Boynton Beach Commission took over the CRA, they haven’t made any better decisions.


  1. It's called PAY TO PLAY! Boynton Beach is for sale. No one wants to live there now. Drive south on Federal and take a look. Disgusting.

  2. I understand the perception, but just because they made a donation to the township two years ago, does that mean that they are forever barred from doing business with Boynton Beach? The money went for the betterment of Boynton Beach, not into anyone's pocket or campaign fund.
    I guess being a good neighbor has become a crime now.

  3. Charles, you say that you understand the perception--but do you? They gave a donation to the city BEFORE the developer was don't see anything wrong with this? It doesn't matter whether it went into some person's pocket--it went into the City's pocket, the very same entity that was in charge of awarding the contract that would have meant big $$$$$. Yes, the City should not do business with them. Are you with the City, Auburn?
