Friday, April 16, 2010

Col. Allen West at Tea Party Rally in West Palm Beach

Lt. Col Allen West
Candidate for Congress District 22

We stayed around after the announced close of the Tea Party Rally yesterday. Around 7:35, it was announced over the PA system, that their keynote speaker would be up soon. We wondered, "who could it be," surely not Col. Allen West, as anyone that important would have been announced sooner before half the crowd had left. But sure enough, that's exactly who it was and we were happy that we had stayed.

Col. West is a dynamic speaker. He inspires and you believe him. He spoke about the prevalent entitlement mindset that has consumed this country and the present government that has created the tax and spend mentality to a tune of over $12 trillion of debt. He believes that our system is unsustainable. We must stop the flow of illegal immigrants. He is against the Obama healthcare plan.

He believes that it is an administration willing to send your taxpayer dollars to Hamas, not to our defense budget and is projecting weakness, not resolve, at a critical time. In summary, it is a broken government and we need change that we can really believe in.

Education is the great equalizer,” he says. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.”

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