Friday, April 16, 2010

Hannah, the Gal who "brought down ACORN"

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Dave Vespo with Hannah Giles

Dave shouted, "There's the girl who brought down ACORN." "Where, where?" we shouted back. Sure enough, there she was--Hannah Giles, the journalist behind the ACORN sting who posed as a prostitute in several undercover videos. Those exposes eventually caused the demise of ACORN. She was quite the sensation at the Rally.
Talking about her undercover videos, Hannah has said, “That was b-roll. It was purely b-roll. He was a pimp, I was a prostitute, and we were walking in front of government buildings to show how the government was whoring out the American people.”
Legal Complaint filed by former ACORN employee, Katherine Conway-Russell.


  1. The Lake Worth Municipal Golfcourse was crippled in its effort to become solvent because a renegade unopposed Commission member, come up from the streets, who had obviously never been to a good ,selfsustaining American Golf club ,decided that the Club house social Room, should only have 60 seats.Social events for 300 to 800 people must spend their money outside Lake Worth, because of one primitive unqualified character's,success in coercing a corrupt Commission, to agree with this visionless, element, to allow only a 60 seat multi purpose Social events room in the Lake Worth Golf Clubhouse.
    All serious golfers,have families, and friends, who's children and grand children, get married and use their Golf Clubhouse to celebrate
    those milestones in their lives.
    Lake Worth,OUR City can now only accomodate 60 people!
    Our own salon and terrace at home can hold 100+ people!

    Lake Worth Commission, learn from this mistake, and make certain that an elegant Lake Worth Casino ballroom can hold at least 600 to 800 people,who will pay for attending social gatherings, events, conferences, concerts,lectures, etc.
    which will keep us economically solvent and bring business Downtown as in the past.Rick Gonzales, I know, has all the right connections to realize Laurence and mine 9 year old, till now rejected dream, to bring Lake Worth back to solvency with its'1921 Casino. A succesful past is our
    guideline for the future, for rational people, not for confrontational, wrong
    Town-demoding vision elements.
    Dee McNamara

  2. Why this heavy promotion of Vespo???
    During his tenure our City hemorraged $60.000.000.- from No-Bidding contracts with McManaman's office !Palm Beach Public Works man who gave out no-bid contracts,Stephen White is going to jail for those!
    This brought us to the present Budget Deficit and empty Beach Reserve fund and millions in Mock Roos unquestioned still ongoing payments!
    Manalapn, paid $819.700.- per Reverse Osmoses well, we paid unquestioned $14.000.000.- to Mock Roos for 3 R.O wells(ask All Well Drilling ,Jupiter, who did the job!) approved by Vespo and cronies.
    Who wants him back?Crooks?
    Hannah brought down Acorn with who's help???Acorn has not been proven criminal after investigations, according to the Post. It was printed, that it was a scam of the Republican party,it has been published!

    The picture shows Vespo as her HERO!
    Katy's picture shows adoring Vespo, who is against Amendment 4. His employer finances building industry,he is on the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, though he has done nothing to improve downtown Commerce!
    Am I losing it, or is there something wrong with promoting one of the reasons for the economic downfall of our City?
    We were carefully left out of this event! I am glad, as I know all about the main characters and would have really promoted Amendment 4 with loyal supporters, not adversaries as shown in Katy's picture!
    Where do I buy an Amendment 4 T-shirt? I am still campaiging for Preservation of historic ,American Heritage!

    Dee McNamara

  3. Dee, You must be the only person in the City of Lake Worth who does not understand how I feel about former Commissioner Vespo and the decisions he made. He was defeated at the polls and we now have Suzanne Mulvehill, one of the best commissioners we have had in Lake Worth who truly cares about the people and making the right decisions that affect the people.
