Monday, April 19, 2010

Builders, Realtors and Fl Chamber selling us Out - We will win Florida Hometown Democracy in the Grassroots

Florida Crystals

In the last year or so, Florida Hometown Democracy has raised over 1/4 of a million dollars with the majority of the contributions coming from Lesley Blackner. The other contributors in the 5 digit range are:

Dr. Steve Rosen…$35,000

Sierra Club Northwest…$16,000

Michael Singer of Alchua, Fl…$10,000

This has been very much a grassroots campaign from inception with small contributions coming all across the State from working class folks to people such as myself, retirees on fixed incomes and just from people disgusted with the ruination of our State caused by all these groups involved in bad growth. We are having to spread the word by mouth as FHD does not have the big bucks and deep pockets of the opposition. Back in January, FHD reported on the opposition’s contributions and what they had accumulated in 2007 and 2008 to defeat FHD. Here are a few at that time:

Wal-Mart (I don’t need to explain this corporation)…$25,000

Florida Association of Realtors (will support anything that will make them commissions)…$50,000

A Duda & Sons (land company involved in agriculture and real estate) …$10,000

Floridians for Conservative Values (Don’t let the name fool you. Also gave to Public Concepts out to defeat FHD) ...$25,000

Associated Builders and Contractors (represent the majority of the construction trade)…$10,000

Fl. Banker’s Association (the more growth, the more banks, the more they make) …$5,000


Environmental Industry Assn, Washington, DC (Solid Waste…the more people, the more they get to collect garbage…you get the drift)…$12,000

Florida Crystals (owned by the Fanjuls who have more money than God and like to jerk the State around as well as the environment)…$25,000

Associated Industries of Fl (members include those interested in growth throughout Fl) …$35,000

Ocala land for sale

Please send in your donation no matter the amount--$10, $25, whatever...any amount is valued and will help get our message across. Send to:
Florida Hometown Democracy, Inc.
P.O. Box 636
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170

Let's help out Lesley, Steve, Michael, the Sierra Club and all the others to save Florida.

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