Monday, April 19, 2010

Lake Worth pushes its exhorbitant fees at the pool

Well, the City of Lake Worth is getting its free advertising to promote higher and ridiculous fees at our municipal pool as well as giving some sort of control to the robo man for whom they know nada...another Peter Willard?

Click HERE to read more about it.

I wrote about this on April 7, so it's old news now. On March 24th I showed you photos on the pump house and all its disrepair that was neglected by staff. Who is in charge there? Ask yourself that question and why we continue to have to pay more money over and above our taxes that should be supporting this pool. Ask yourself why do our assets get into this condition? Who is responsible?

No one should have control over our pool but the taxpayers. Andrew Sneath, the robo shark guy, wants it EVERY Saturday (prime time) from 11am until 4pm.

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