Monday, April 19, 2010

Commission Agenda - Keep on Scrolling

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We have the CRA that puts out back-up that you can't even read because they put 2 pages on one page to save time. The print is so itsy bitsy that it's a joke.

Now we have the City screwing up the back-up. We now get to read the Commission Agenda by one click of the mouse! How inconvenient and consumer unfriendly. The latest one has 466 pages. You might get to where you want to be but take a coffee break during the process--it is time consuming.

So instead of going to each issue and clicking on for the backup, you now have to scroll and scroll and scroll. What about that resident who still has Dial-Up?

And we still don't have the City Manager's Report that used to be uploaded on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I called Wes to get his take on this. He told me about the Bookmark feature in Adobe. That was covered up when my document loaded.
