Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Yo Yo

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Remember back on February 16th when Joe Kroll, the Public Works Director, surprised the Commission and shocked the public when he stated that the pool, due to safety and health reasons, had to be closed down immediately and the city would have to cough up $150,000 for its repair.

It seems that the pump house just wasn’t pumping and literally was corroded, etc. All the photos that were presented displayed long time neglect. The filtration system was shot. The City Manager said we didn’t have the money and suggested we have a waterslide and turn the whole thing into an aquatic park with a couple of commissioners loving that idea...Bizarre.

Then on March 2, Joe came back and said “Ooops, I made a little boo boo. It won’t cost $150,000; it will cost $275,000." Talk about a popular guy that night.

They closed down the pool.

Well, tonight, once again, the pool repairs will be discussed and now he says it will be $57,700. Cost estimates that were up and down like a yo yo in the past are now coming to the table with an itemization and will take ten weeks to complete with in-house labor. The water circulation and the electrical systems will be replaced.

Staff says it still can’t figure out where to find the money to make these repairs on a pool that we just spent $450,000 to upgrade. Staff is still throwing in the idea of an aquatic park.

1 comment:

  1. As far as Joe Kroll is concerned, there is NO credibility. There is a huge difference between 275,000 and 57,700. How can a Commission be expected to make a rational decision, when they are being given facts that are totally bogus? What would have happened if the council would have said yes to the 275,000 figure? A 217,300 staff pizza party?
