Tuesday, March 23, 2010

City Board Interviews Thursday

Beginning at 6pm this Thursday in ten minute integrals, Board and Committee applicants will be interviewed by the City Commission.

Following is the list of Boards and applicants:

City Recreation Advisory Board – 1 vacant position
Austin Brookley
Jessica Plotkin
Karen Tribendis

Community Relations Board- 2 vacant positions
Austin Brookley
Ford Eloge
Chad Layton
Brian Smith
John Morrissey
Denise Tamayo
Karen Tribendis

Construction Board of Appeals – 1 vacant position
Ibrahim Chalhoub

Finance Advisory Board – New board with 7 open positions
Paul Blockson
Ted Brownstein (out of town)
Laurel Decker
Darrian Dority
Ron Exline
Mary Lindsey
Jennifer Marchal
Dee McNamara
John Pickett
Jessica Plotkin
William Thrasher
Brian Wells

Library Board – 1 vacant position
Brian Smith

Planning & Zoning/Historic Preservation/etal – 2 alternate positions
Ibrahim Chalhoub
Laurence McNamara
Christopher McVoy
Jessica Plotkin
Brian Smith

Sister City Board – 4 vacant positions
Jill Aerts
Elizabeth Flynn
Serge Louis-Jenue
John Morrissey

Note: This is a Draft, subject to possible change

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