Monday, March 22, 2010

Coffee with the Mayor

"You see a different group of faces than you do at city hall, which is a good thing," Greg Rice said. "More mayors should get out and hear what people have to say."

The problem with this statement is--Politicians really do NOT listen to the people. All those who do not follow politics closely in Lake Worth have a tendency to believe politicians when they say--

"I know how to balance a budget and practice fiscal responsibility.
I promise a new vision for Lake Worth.
I will bring a fresh approach to solving Lake Worth's challenges.
I will work hard to make our community affordable.
I promise to hold the line on property taxes."

In just a few months, all that has gone by the wayside--just more political promises. Tax hikes are always the easiest way to solve budgetry problems.

Another tax Hike Likely, Lake Worth Mayor Warns

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