Sunday, December 13, 2009

Steve Rosen's story and Florida Hometown Democracy - Part II

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PART II – The Motion to Dismiss and the Gopher Tortoise

Jeb Bush appointed Judge Thomas Bateman who granted the State’s flimsy Motion to Dismiss so I appealed the dismissal. The State Court of Appeals in harmony with their politico buddies upheld the dismissal and offered NO WRITTEN OPINION with their opinion. Without that written opinion, per the statutes supposedly written to protect the public, I was unable to further appeal my lawsuit. Welcome to the People’s Republic of Florida where the laws are written solely to protect those in power from people like me who call them to task.

While all this was going on, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation goons were being wined and dined by the Department of Defense along with state wildlife officials from neighboring states like Louisiana, Georgia and a few others.

All of this wining and dining, all expenses paid by the Dept. of Defense, was being coordinated by the Dept. of Defense’s slimy contractor Booz, Allen, Hamilton, a company with the resources to have planned a 9-11 or Kennedy assassination if you review their web site at

The purpose of all this wining and dining of wildlife officials concerned what else, the gopher tortoise.

The Dept. of Defense and their buddies in these various state wildlife commissions did not want the gopher tortoise protected by the Endangered Species Act. An application had been filed in early 2006 and naturally the US Fish and Wildlife Conservation missed their mandatory deadline for reviewing it and blamed endless lawsuit settlements they had to deal with before they could review the application. As you can see, rules only apply to the little people, us. The “government’ can do whatever it wants because the rules don’t apply to them.

I can only assume the Defense Department wanted to avoid protection for the gopher tortoises so they could do what they want with their various bombing ranges, etc. in the Southeast.

However, not only did this group not want the gopher tortoise listed under the Act, they wanted to DELIST the already protected Southwestern Gopher tortoises which “were” protected by the Endangered Species Act.

My attorney attended one of these meetings at the Atlanta, Georgia offices of Booz Allen. Security is so tight you have to be accompanied by security to use the restroom!!!

What I also learned from all this while my court case was winding through the system on its inevitable course of failure, was that there is a glaring loophole in the Endangered Species Act! Are you really surprised?

Dr. Steve Rosen

Next Sunday, Part III, Gopher tortoise not really protected

Part 1

1 comment:

  1. Again,thanks for bringing out the truth,Dr Rosen. And no,no one is trying to make you into Mother Theresa,or trying to put a halo on your head. We just say thanks to a normal guy who does the right thing. How stupidly rare!
