Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Post and our Beach

The Post says that those commissioners in Lake Worth who came out strongly for their beliefs regarding “cruelty to dolphins” (that’s how they stated it when in actuality it was so much more than just that), and calling someone a “racist” did not bode well for harmony. I guess not. So, why then did dolphin trafficking not seem to be an issue for the majority of voters who went to the polls? It says volumes about character and people willing to discount dolphin trafficking as non-important.

The decision makers in Lake Worth comprise a small number of people…around 3,500 on an average election. Now that Nadine got the voters to approve November elections, we have a much more difficult time in Lake Worth every few years. Even among the 3,500 average number of voters, I would say that the vast majority of those have NO clue as to whom is the best and most qualified candidate. The election is won on so many other factors.

I want to remind the Post as well as this Commission, a Commission for the moment that is harmonious, that the beach was decided on a Michael Singer poll. 164 people or thereabouts decided to screw up our beach. Also, it really is not accurate to say that the County gave us a “gift” of $5 million dollars.

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