Friday, December 4, 2009

ROLOH President writes Commission

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Dear Commission,
I have been reading lately about the controversy on Pocket Parks and want to add that Parks in general are at a very loss to Lake Worth and for one reason. When I drive through Tropical Ridge, the communities south of that and even further south of that, I see a lot of community but a lack of parks for the kids to play in at all. Community Parks help to bring a community together and should be expanded for play grounds in every area and association.
I'm not only asking you but begging you to go through the list of the VAST city owned land and see if we can apply for grants that will take CITY OWNED land and turn them in to play grounds in these area's.
I know that a few of our commissioners have worked on this in the past and had success, but it is with out saying that many of our communities especially the communities in need just simply have no place for the kids to play.
As for pocket parks and public access to the water ways I feel very strongly as a community leader and a citizen of Lake Worth that we maintain our city access ways as a WHOLE and not exclusive to a few. Please take my words in to consideration and as always I personally appreciate everything that you do to help make our City of Lake Worth a better place to live.

Robert E. Waples II

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1 comment:

  1. Our Public Land Public Parks Charter Amendment forbids any action for stealing it from the unsuspecting Lake Worth taxpayers who own those rights of way.Look up the conditions which protect our PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY.
    Plain and simple English qualification.Follow the Law!
    Dee Mcnamara
