Friday, December 4, 2009

Greater Bay

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Wherefore, Plaintiff, Greater Bay Group, LLC, demands judgment against the City of Lake Worth for damages, specific performance, including an injunction to prevent others from performing work on or obtaining an interest in the subject property, costs, and for such further and additional relief as the Court deems just, Greater Bay demands a jury trial.
Choosing whether to grant injunctive relief is a discretionary power of the court. Greater Bay made its move the minute the RFP went out on the design phase of our Casino. The company moved quickly on this but rarely performed under the Contract. There were delays after delays and deadlines were constantly missed, not to mention the work that was performed (the pool) was not completed per the contract and parts of it were not in accordance to specifications. Greater Bay is looking for a settlement before this case gets off the ground, IMO.


  1. This should in no way stop the casino remodel.The RFQ has been sent out ,the firm will be chosen and work will proceed,as it should have 4 yrs ago.The people of Lake Worth don't deserve this.

  2. The Company with proven experience in historic accurate recreation, restoration of historic Commercial buildings on the Ocean front of Palm Beach Island is the only Co. qualified,to do the job of our 1921 Lake Worth Casino, the heritage of Lake Worth Pioneers who built and left us Lake Worth,a much loved and heralded town.

    Not what a brazen employee wants,who is not the owner of our Public Casino.

    No gun was held to the head of primitive barbarians who want to cheat and destroy Lake Worth's heritage ,to come and settle here.Those who don't like what Lake Worth, a small intimate town with mostly honest hard working people is, move to Miami!Now !

  3. Did you mean to say, move back to Miami? :)
