Friday, December 4, 2009

Nancy R. Shepherd vs. City of Lake Worth

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Right-Of-Way at end of Wellesley Drive

Nancy Shepherd, married to Dan Shepherd, former Commissioner City of Lake Worth, and who resides at 1902 Notre Dame Drive, sued the City on November 9th for the right-of-way property adjacent to her property at the end of Wellesley Drive. The dispute is simple--Shepherd says that she owns the property because the City

  1. has never accepted the dedication of the Unimproved Property
  2. has never improved or used the unimproved property as a street or road
  3. She has filed a Notice of Withdrawal of Offer to Dedicate the Unimproved Property
  4. any interest in the property has been abandoned by the City

She wants the City to quiet title to her for $10 because she says that as a matter of law, the City has no right to it and she owns it. What prompted the lawsuit was the day Joe Kroll tried to deliver a picnic table to the property. One of Shepherd's neighbors had asked one of our commissioners for the table. On the day that Joe Kroll tried to install the picnic table, he was confronted by Shepherd. Kroll was asked by whose authority he was doing this and when told it was one of our elected officials, Shepherd then said that no commissioner had the right. Subsequently a law suit was filed.

The city responded to Shepherd's complaint on November 30th and has said that Ms. Shepherd has failed to state a cause of action and jurisdiction over the property in question and wants the complaint denied by the Court.

According to a local Realtor, the property in question is worth $6,000 dollars a linear foot. In 2006, when property values were high, it was selling for $10,000 a linear foot. Therefore, that particular piece of property is worth an estimated $240,000. The Shepherds want it for ten dollars.

End of Wellesley a fisherman enjoys the ambiance

Neighbors can stroll down the City's right-of-way and fish, sit and watch the sunrise or just relax and enjoy the beautiful Intra-Coastal Waterway.

Mayor Varela's position on "pocket parks"--
I have been fighting Commissioner Mullvehill's plan to create pocket parks out of abandoned right of ways on the water. We need to maximize the use of our ample waterfront park space to get more people to use those parks and the actual water itself. If It can be shown to me that we have a need for even more access to the water, then I might be swayed. As it stands now, the waterfront right of ways need to be maintained by the residents as a security buffer, saving the city money and giving responsible residents peace of mind.


Please note that the Varela statement was sent in an e-mail during the campaign as a paid political advertisement.


  1. I hope Varela chokes on his words. NOW HE HAS TO SIT UP ON A DIAS IN FRONT OF GOD AND EVERYBODY AND SAY"ONLY THE ELITE ,RICH COUNT IN THIS CITY! THE REST OF YOU DIRT BAG POOR WILL STAY WEST OF DIXIE IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU". The Shepherds want OUR intra coastal waterfront property? No way ! What a couple of greedy scum suckers.

  2. He was elected by an incomplete part of our City. College Park did not allow a Candidates' Forum, for fear of exposure of their ignorant Candidate from Miami, here less than 2 year without a real platform.
    Eden Place Neighborhood Association never allowed their residents to hear the platform of the Mayoral Candidates,with the Candidate from Miami with no platform.
    Of course the man from Miami does not know the Contents of our Public Land, Public vote Charter Amendment. In Miami ganster methods work. He managed to implement those Miami ganster methods were succesfully implemented on our incomplete Election,keeping 2 neighborhoods with thousands of residents uniformed of the Candidates.
    I hope they are not suckers and allow this.They pay taxes too, I believe.Maybe they now have free electricity!!!!

    For rabies cases like the dillusional Wellesley Dr. one,we have rabies shots.What does that vulgar creature not know about the meaning of the English words PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY!!!
