Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bloggers Always have something to crow about

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"crowing" on Lake Osborne

Recently I put up some photos of graffiti in Tropical Ridge and a comment from a community activist caused a stir. Allegations were given back and forth even to the extent of the Treasurer of that NA to say to me, “well you have an opinion on a lot of things.” Yes, that is absolutely true. I told him without an opinion on varied topics, this blog would fail. The only way I can do this is to be engaged, to read a lot, and to try and understand issues.

The Lake Worth Herald wrote a piece on the Census for 2010 but it was really an opportunity to take a shot at Annabeth Karson. This would have been better placed in an editorial than in a news story. Former Mayor Jeff Clemens called her a “divisive figure” in Lake Worth. Former Commissioner Retha Lowe called her a “racist.”

What is “divisive?” Is it having a different opinion than you? What makes her any more divisive than Mary Lindsey and those behind the deceptive flier during this past election…than the firefighter’s union using the City of Lake Worth’s fire department number in a robo call…than those handful of people on a talk forum, Loretta, Jim, Elizabeth, etc. that do nothing but bully and spread lies against citizens all day long? What makes her any less honest than someone who can look you in the eye and tell you that they didn’t take a penny?

If you want to crow a lot, stop the excuses and use honest debate on the issues (not stuff you make up) instead of waddling in the muck. Rise above the "sandbox" mentality.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lyn,

    Thank you for such a well written article. I commend your courage and sincerity and you are a fine example of what a responsible caring member of our community should be. I don't think it should be someone who follows around the loudest voice like a leming selling off her values, morals, ethics to the highest bidder. Keep up the great work Lynn our city needs more opinionated people willing to do what it takes to improve the quality of life in our city!

    Mark A. Parrilla
