Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wayne you're a Pain

Folks, the big lie perpetuated by the Florida Chamber of Commerce and builder lobbyists are convincing people of the dumbest things. Take Wayne Tedder as an example--


We have a very serious problem. Are people really this uninformed or are they just lying? Being that he is in the "building" business, I would bet that it is the latter.

Will someone set this guy straight--

Wayne Tedder, the director of Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department, said, "If you have to vote on certain amendments--it could be taking a single-family home and turn it into a small office, could be a very extensive cost for someone to do that. It could be the right thing to do for the community at the time. So, there would be a great cost associated with amendments if Amendment 4 does pass from our perspective"

These people are getting more desperate. Vote Yes on Amendment 4 next year.

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