Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dazzle them with Vapor

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W.C. fields said, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull." Is this the new vision for Lake Worth?

I gave Rene Varela the vote for the best campaign fliers. And they are! The one I just received in today’s mail is brilliant…a little far fetched in some instances and statements made by friends that sound good but Rene gives NO solutions or ways that he will actually perform any of these campaign promises…another brilliant move. Dazzle them with vapor.

  1. May Goodstein says--Rene saved the $5 million county bond money and created a plan to improve our beach.

NO HE DIDN’T do that May. Don’t you hate to be used like that? Now I am sure that you are a nice elderly lady. What Rene did was find Life is Beautiful, Michael Singer who designed a plan to take away most of our beach front parking. What has finally evolved is spending $5 million on re-designing parking lots without the vote of all Lake Worth residents. Less than 200 people got to decide on our beach. Does this sound like democracy to you, May? The $5 million is not yet cut in stone.

2. Lou Terrell says--Rene will fight to create the economic opportunities that produce high-paying jobs.

How will he DO THIS Lou? Fight with whom? Has he ever told you the plan? Someone call Lou and ask him to explain.

3. Sylvia Williams says--Rene Varela wants our neighborhoods to be strong and will make public safety a major priority and prevent foreclosures….

How will he DO THIS, Sylvia? What is his position on Code Enforcement? He will prevent foreclosures? That’s a good one. Obama needs him on his team. Maybe Charlie.

  1. Kathleen Holmes says--Rene will fight for grants to make our utilities more efficient thus reducing our bills.

HOW WILL HE MAKE OUR UTILITIES MORE EFFICIENT BY federal money? You will not get more efficient by more money. You WILL get more efficient by reducing waste and stopping the corruption.

This is all the biggest bunch of bull I have ever read but-----------------

It is a great looking flier and that’s all you need in Lake Worth to get elected. I told that to Rene over a year ago when he didn’t want to listen.

1 comment:

  1. Why does the post endorse Rene now when they didn't in the last election? Nothing has changed with him, so why the endorsement? And what does the editorial board at the post even know about Lake Worth, anyway? They don't live ,work.or know which way is even up when it comes to our town and our candidates.Follow the leader,little sheep,BAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
