Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Vote YES on Charter Amendment on Dredge & Fill

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Although the Palm Beach Post Editorial Board seems to really like to impose its will on Lake Worth and now wants the voters to reject the Charter Amendment on Dredge and Fill, this is what the SurfRider Foundation says--CLICK HERE

We urge all voters to vote YES on this Ballot initiative and tell the Post to stick it and stay out of Lake Worth's business. Tell them loud and clear that we do NOT want dirt sand on our beach. Dredge and fill projects are detrimental to the coastal environment and harmful to Lake Worth beach. A Judge told Palm Beach that when it wanted to go forward on Reach 8.

The Post has not read anything about dredge and fill I guess and we urge them to read Surfline to learn more or visit Surfrider Foundation or go to Reef Rescue to get some sort of understanding.

How much more does the Post need to realize that a Charter Amendment is the only way that we can be protected from those wanting to ruin our beach. Commissioner Jennings got it right because she knows that a political change and a simple 3 to 2 vote can be detrimental to the health of Lake Worth and its beach.

Let's protect our beach. Vote YES on November 3rd.


  1. Thanks Lynn.
    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and on the web at

    Cheap dirty sand and dredge and fill projects are detrimental. We continue to support the idea of extending the pipes from the Palm Beach Inlet further south to allow for a somewhat-natural effect of the sand migrating down the beach. The fact that we do have inlets mean that we will continue to block the natural migration of sand from north to south. The pumphouses help move some of the sand, and should move more sand once upgrades are completed.

    Vote Yes.

    Surfrider Foundation PBC

  2. Anyone not behind this charter amendment 100% should be ashamed.Dredge sand is a dirty,expensive ,quick fix for erosion that DOES NOT WORK!!!!! It will kill irreplaceable reefs to the detriment of the whole marine environment.Any supposed newspaper that is against this is showing their true colors -greed, greed,and more greed. PITIFUL!!!
