Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Realtors Soared to new Heights

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You really need to attend city commission meetings to fully appreciate all that happens. That is the only reason I go—to really see the people, the expressions, hear the public commentary first-hand, listen to the undertones of those around me. I can tell you that there was plenty of that last night.

Everyone to the side of me, in back of me and in front of me were mumbling and totally, 100% against Commissioner Jennings and what this Commission was about to do...keep Lake Worth a low-rise city. Some of these people I have never seen before. Next to me was Nancy Hogan, a Realtor from Boynton Beach. Nancy, do you want our city to look like yours? How dare someone who does not even live here speak on this issue. Once we have a new commission, I want to suggest, again, that everyone who speaks before the Commission give their name and address. I want to know who these people are.

I am a licensed real estate broker. When I was active, I was a Realtor and was one for 20 years perhaps, being a member of the Palm Beach Board of Realtors. Last night, this entire organization brought shame to the profession. We all had to listen to the same calculated rhetoric. The only outstanding thing about any of them was that their GREED showed bright and clear shining off that Realtor pin they so proudly wear. Their superior attitude and over-bearing presumptuousness was a trumped up display of “we know better than you and what you want” and it resonated in the entire chamber.

All those who were NOT endorsed this election by the Palm Beach County Board of Realtors should stand proud today because of the performance last night from those in this organization.


  1. Brendan Lynch and his cronies are the real Lake Worth Locusts.This group can't see beyond their pocket books.These people are perfectly willing to blight an area ,and then they leave the scene to rape the next town.This group of growth whores are the real authors of Florida Hometown Democracy. They have bought off so many politicians ,destroyed so much of what was once a true paradise ,and totally marginalized 99% of the taxpayers in Florida,that the people have finally said ENOUGH.Lake Worth just got a whole lot more valuable for the people who live here now,and those people that will move here in the future.The message was loud and clear last night-we the people of Lake Worth are not going to let your small,power-hungry band of soul-dead zombies pave over OUR paradise.Too bad this group can't take the dollar signs out of their eyes long enough to see the real longterm prosperity that will come to our town.We now have a chance at a genuine,sustainable ,diverse tax base coming into Lake Worth.People will now feel secure to invest and put down roots,knowing that another Lucerne can't pop up next to their property. Florida Hometown Democracy is going to win in a landslide, and make this bottom feeding group extinct.

  2. In all due respect to Brendan Lynch, he did not speak on the heights issue. I believe he was there in support of Publix.

  3. As I see a lot of people in this real estate business, I can't help but think that if all these people would think of rebuilding our economy and be the solution instead of continuing to be greedy then perhaps recovery is not far. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I know a real estate coach who could also help many in the real estate industry and thrive in this kind of economy.
