Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Small Town Charm it will Remain

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With the room packed with dozens of Realtors, developers, land owners, unhappy residents, and even Paul Kintz one of the owners of the Sunset parcel who stated that he was an affected party under Florida Statutes 168, the City Commission passed heights of 25 feet for residences and 35 feet for commercial buildings.

Those who packed the room were clearly on the developer side of the argument. The audience groaned when one Realtor said, “I am not a special interest.” Cara Jennings stated that during the Master Plan process that 75% of those who commented on heights wanted no more than 3 stories.

The vote was 3 to 2 with Lowe and Clemens dissenting.


  1. So Paul Kintz has the guts to say he is an affected party.Hey Paul, I'm an affected party ,too. I'm affected by greedy assholes like you and your flipper partner who didn't give a crap about any of the families that your schemes affected.Our whole town is affected by the greedy group (Hey Dave,too bad that cocktail by the pool didn't work out for you .Hey Greg, why fix the hole in the wall of one of your buildings when the roof is caving in,right? Vince, tear down any historic buildings lately ? John,why are you so excited about HB 360 ? A bill that screws towns and the taxpayers in them in order to let developers get rich? Oh, wait,duh,,,,you make your living off of the development industry,,,,,) who want to rape Lake Worth for every penny they can get. Who cares about what makes Lake Worth valuable, livable and unique for 99% of the people that live here? Hey Paul, trying to get standing for,,,,,What? The totally legal actions of a governing body? Don't waste Daddy's money ,Paul. Too bad Laura ,Rachel ,and Larry aren't there to get the city to pay your bills any more . And by the way, clean up your property.Like you and your "partners" it's a real blight on Lake Worth.

  2. Katie--Love ya to death but please, no words like azzhole! Let's leave that to the LW Kanye's (put bulls)of the world. :)

  3. My bad! I'm washing my mouth out right now !
